Friday, August 8, 2008

You can't win when you're the only one playing

In my young life, I've watched politicians battle with words from behind podiums in their ambitions for power, like the aim of the words is not to express what's inside of them, but rather to be the strategically most advantageous thing to say. Seeing a "debate" is like watching a game of ping pong -"oooh, nice shot! I think he's winning."

So now look what's happened. Someone's standing behind the podium, seemingly speaking from the heart. Those ping pong balls whizz by his concerned, inspired face unheaded. Which leaves the rest of the world to turn and ask of the other, "WHY did you throw that ball at him?"

So please, give it your best shot. Every attack you make will just backfire, like in this:

McCain's attack on Obama using Paris Hilton:
And once again, young pop-culture America comes to bat for Obama:
Paris Hilton's response:

Any politician who wants to win against Obama will need to meet him on his own higher, more authentic, playing field.

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